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Saturday 11 May 2013

Warning to modern gentile churches

Whilst doing Bible study recently I was fascinated with the story of Solomon and the covenant declared to him by YHUH and how it all tied in to the later final destruction of the Jewish Temple as prophesied by Yahushua. There is also a solemn warning to the gentiles who received the gospel subsequently.

Please read 1 King 6:11-13 and 1 King 9:3-9 with regards to YHUH's covenant. 

Solomon breaks the covenant as read in 1 King 11:1-13. He fell into apostasy through loving too many foreign women and following their idolatrous ways. How is this possible - Solomon prayed for wisdom more than any other thing but he got everything else added to him by YHUH because he only asked for wisdom. Perhaps the great wealth corrupted him? He could have whatever he wanted so he started taking in the wrong things. YHUH means what He says and does what He warns you will happen as a consequence of disobedience. Until this day there are the ten lost tribes of Israel - no-one can truly trace them. Only the descendants of the two tribes of Judah and Benjamin are the modern Jews in Israel today. Luke 13:31-35 and Luke 21:5-24 shows the final outcome for the Jews due to the whole nation's continuing apostasy (due to bad leadership over the years by various kings and leaders).

The most interesting aspect is that the very same fate can befall the gentiles in our modern churches today - please read Rom 11:13-32 and Eccl 12: 13-14.

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