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Tuesday 28 May 2013

What's special about Sunday the 1st day of the week?

I was studying Genesis again and the thought occurred to me, strongly, that Sunday has no special right to be a day of worship if you follow the pattern of Creation. On the first day of the week (pagans called it Sunday) the sun did not even exist! On the first day of creation YHUH separated light from darkness only. So even the age-old sun-worshipers have it all wrong! The sun was only created on the fourth day, along with the moon and stars. Why would modern-day Christians, which profess to believe in Creation, carry on celebrating and worshiping on the first day (pagan Sunday)? They are adopting the heathen day of sun-worship. In reality, the final, seventh day (Friday sunset to Saturday sunset) is the day when there should be celebration and worship as that was the day YHUH completed all of Creation and sanctified the day for us to rest and worship Him. YHUH states numerous times in the Bible that Sabbath (Saturday) should be observed, but there is no command throughout the Bible for us to worship on a Sunday. Yahushua may have been resurrected before sunrise Sunday but He did not then say that we should keep Sunday  holy - no command or instruction was given for this. Sunday was only adopted as the Roman Catholic church was syncrynistic when it adopted parts of Christianity and then merged their old sun-worshiping pagan rituals with their new-found "Christianity". For the sake of peace most other churches have gone along with this. I choose not to. Lastly, if the Saturday Sabbath was not something to be considered then why was Yahushua constantly referring to it and healing on that special day? Just prior to dying He told His disciples "But pray ye that your flight be not in the winter neither on the Sabbath day: for then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be" (Matt 24:20-21) which proves that Yahushua expects us still to be keeping Sabbath at the time of the end!

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